
The emphasis, when framing a photo or a piece of art, is to highlight and draw the eyes of the viewer towards the focal point of the piece. A frame isn’t there to distract or serve as a draw in its own right – its job is that of the subsidiary.

But when regular frames, even the most Spartan, are still too much, we often point our clients in the direction of the block mount. Moulded to a wooden or cork frame, a block mounted photo provides the ultimate in minimalism.

Photos can be printed and mounted on a variety of different styles of blocks, but picture framing in Sydney typically focuses on fibre boards. They need not be extremely hard-wearing or toughened, as they will usually reside indoors. And the fibre board is also easier on the backing wall.

The lack of a frame, and the resulting lack of an edge, offers a unique flat perspective to the photo in question. It reduces any issues of glare, light reflecting off the glass in a typical frame.

Block mounted photos, and their flat, one-piece construction, allows not only for easy, multi-angle viewing, usable in a variety of lighting conditions – they are also ideal for those of us who might move frequently, or who need a hard-wearing photo options for those areas that might be jarred more often. They are capable of retaining their strength over time, and have been among the longest-lasting photo framing or mounting options to be found anywhere.

For more information on the unique block framing method employed by your local experts at Amarisco, or to get tips on your framing projects, contact us today! As Sydney’s framing experts, we are always keen to discuss our craft.